My “why”
A personal resolution turned passion.
I am ecstatic you have made it this far — WELCOME!!
My goal is to help you gain simple access to chemical-free, plastic-free products you need for your daily life.
What started as a personal Instagram account I began to document my New Year Resolution — reduce our home’s waste output — turned into a passion for wanting to help other families do the same. Although, upon beginning this resolution, I was introduced to how difficult it is to find truly sustainable products and companies for common household product alternatives. Aside from that, I researched and discovered facts about chemicals and plastic that is, truthfully, very scary. I spent many sleepless nights anxiety-ridden trying to figure out how to transform our household immediately! I’m here to assure you it is possible, but it may not happen “immediately”, and THAT IS OK!
I am a lover to a god-sent man, a mother to 5, a caretaker to lots of chickens and a bunny, and a consultant employee to a portable toilet company I have had the honor of helping build over the last 11 years. So, where does my own small business fit in? Honestly, it doesn’t, but when a passion is set on fire, and your soul feels strongly about something, you cannot let the fear of “how” or failure turn you away.
This website may not be perfect, my content may not be perfect, and my personal plastic free lifestyle is not perfect, but that is exactly what this is about — progress over perfection. Small, consistent actions to create big changes. We all have to start somewhere; this is my start.
I am here for you. I want to make it as simple and affordable as possible for anyone I cross paths with to purchase plastic-free, chemical-free common household items.
Together we will, literally, change the world.